Safety for Runners

Love to run but get a little worried when the nights draw in? Even the most experienced runners can use a refresher on safety so we’ve asked our team of testers to come up with their top safety tips.

Our top tips are:

1. Stay Aware

It’s easy to zone-out (or think about dinner!) on an evening jog, but it’s important to pay attention to your surroundings as well. Simply being aware can be the difference between minutes or seconds of preventing an accident or an assault.

2. Run a familiar route

Stick with paths you know. However, most runners say don’t run the same route every night either – this may create a pattern for a potential attacker to track you. Why not choose a few routes and maybe switch it up every other night to keep it random (and more interesting!)

3. Carry a phone on you

Use tracking apps that can alert mates or family if you are in trouble. With a push of button the Safety Beacon app sends an emergency message or calls designated contacts who can respond and locate you on a map. Tempting as it may be staying off grid is not the best idea. Plus even using the light from your phone could be a deterrent.

4. Run against traffic

Facing traffic as you run not only provides drivers a clear view of what’s ahead of them, but also gives you a visual of oncoming vehicles. Never assume a car can see you and stay to the side. In the dark a runner is visible only 100 feet away. Wear reflective shoes, jackets or anything that makes you stand out!

5. Run with a friend or join a running group

It might be a cliché but there is ‘Safety in Numbers’. Most runners also reported being more likely to keep it up when with a friend or partner!

6. Let someone know where you are going and when you are likely to be back.

Text a friend or family member, leave a note for your flatmate or use a location tracking app they can access if needed.

7. Keep Your Home Safe

If you can’t do without music keep the volume super low and use one ear bud. It makes it harder to hear cars and potential attackers.

8. Finally – if it hurts, stop.

If you walk/run through pain, it can cause other injuries. Rest and come back to it another day!